Friday, August 19, 2011

Diablo 3 Guide To Farming - Solo or Group?

Farming In Diablo 3

Making gold and real life cash in Diablo 3 is going to very heavily geared towards grinding out killing the same creatures over and over and over again.  We call this Farming.  We will be creating games, jumping into dungeons, and farming the creatures within these dungeons in hopes of great gear drops that we can sell on the in game auction houses of Diablo 3.  Collecting the gold and junk items that are dropped by the various creatures in Diablo 3, will also be a viable option for Diablo 3 profits.  Since Blizzard is going to be allowing the sale of gold as a commodity on the auction house, this is just as important.  Although options for flipping items on the Diablo 3 auction houses will exist, the majority of players are going to making their cash from farming gold and items.

Diablo 3 Farming: Solo Or Team?

The big question that is yet to be determined is whether it will be more profitable to farm dungeons and creatures as a team or as a solo player.  In the past Diablo games, adding more players into the dungeon increased the power of the creatures and minions contained within the dungeons.  Along with this extra damage and survivability, came increased gold drops and better item loot tables.  If this holds true in Diablo 3, then multi-player farming teams will be the way to go.  

Some questions to get answered before completely making a decision on teaming versus solo farming are:
  1. Are creatures going to have better loot tables in multi-player dungeons like before?
  2. Will looted Diablo 3 gold be split among the players in the dungeon or close to the gold source?
  3. Will there be a random roll to determine who gets the items that are dropped or will it go to the first player to run up and drop it like in Diablo 2?
Regardless of the answers to these important Diablo 3 questions, there will exist gold farming cartels.  We just don't know yet if those cartels are going to be more profitable than adventuring and farming as a solo player.

Are you planning on implementing a 3 or 4 man farming team or are you going to tackle Diablo 3 solo?

Farming In Diablo 3


  1. answers to your 3 questions:
    1. no they have allways the same drop chance in d3
    2. dont know exactly but i think everyone gets only the gold he loots(see 3.)
    3. every player gets his own loot that the other players are not even seeing...
    (these info is public for a very long time...)

  2. Good question. It's hard to judge until we actually know the loot tables. I personally LOVE grinding on my own, but if loot gets better it can be much more fun.

    Also, D3 will feature a grouping tool that will help those who don't have online friends to play with. Unlike WoW, where you had to wait 40 minutes in queue as DPS... Diablo3 will be "all dps" so it will take few seconds.

  3. To reiterate on @anon reply

    There is a reply by Bashiok on the forums stating something along the lines of

    Grouping would not provide any more drops than if you were to kill the mob/boss by yourself, but the benefits of grouping are that you will kill everything at a much faster rate.

    This is due to that loot is generated by player and not per group

    "Cohesive group is more than the sum of its parts" kinda rings true for this


Diablo Statue - Diablo III