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Hello There and Welcome to Diablo 3 Gold Tips - Your Guide To Real Money Profits in Diablo III

What Is Diablo 3 Gold Tips?

On this site I will be detailing tips, tricks, and strategies for making gold and real cash profits within the Diablo 3 Dual Auction House System.

Who Writes For This Site?

Why Should We Follow Diablo 3 Gold Tips Over Other Diablo III Guide Sites?

You don't buy a cake from someone who doesn't know how to bake, so why would you listen to people with no experience in virtual auction houses or no experience selling Diablo virtual items?

I both have over a million (and growing) of gold within Blizzard's World of Warcraft game.  We understand virtual currency, virtual goods, virtual auction house markets, and the laws of supply and demand.  Both Wes and I have had amazing success for years within WoW as auctioneers and bloggers.  I am a highly reknown gold making podcasting community members and will be excellent resources for making both gold and cash on the dual auction house system of Diablo 3.

I have actual experience selling Diablo 2 items on the auction houses of eBay.  I have plenty of experience farming and understanding what Diablo items, runes, and gems are going to be the ones that people will pay real cash money for.  I've already made real world cash on Diablo item and gold sales, so I'm already a step ahead of many other sites.

Will You Be Doing A Podcast For Diablo 3 Gold Tips?

Currently Diablo 3 discussions takes place on The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast at Eviscerated.net, iTunes, & Stitcher Radio.  Give us a listen and leave us a review.

What is Your Contact Info?
Diablo 3 Gold Tips Email:  Diablo3GoldTips@live.com
Diablo 3 Gold Tips Twitter:  @Diablo3GoldTips

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