Friday, May 18, 2012

Diablo 3 Gold Farming Tips - Abusing Summoning Creatures

Free Diablo 3 Gold, XP, & Loot
Diablo 3 Tomb Guardian - Skeletal Summoner

Diablo 3 Gold Farming Tips

Creatures That Summon More Creatures

Here is a Diablo 3 gold farming tip that I have experimented with on the live Diablo 3 servers.  While leveling my first Demon Hunter in Diablo III, I decided to play around a little bit and test out some of the in game mechanics related to the Summoning Type creatures within the Diablo 3 universe.  What I found was a handy bit of information that can be used to maximize the farming ability of your character as you are running through the various Acts and difficulty settings of Diablo 3.  Let's look a little deeper at what I found out and how we can use it to our advantage to make gold in Diablo 3.

Within Diablo 3 there are creatures, champions, and bosses that summon in more creatures to join the fight.  The first ones you run into on Act I that summon more creatures are the Tomb Guardians.  Tomb Guardians are skeletal magic casters that shoot arcane orbs at you, but the Tomb Guardians also create a purple portal to summon in more Skeleton warriors during the battle.  Here's where it gets interesting. 

Normal Summoning Creature Mechanics

In most games, the developers have the mechanics of summoning creatures set in one of two ways.
  • Summoners are worth XP and Loot, but their summoned minions are not.
  • The pre-existing summoned creatures are worth loot and experience, but any future summoned creatures do not reward XP or loot.

Diablo 3 Summoning Creature Mechanics

In Diablo 3 the mechanics of some of the bosses, triggered events, and spawning towers follow these same rules, but not all of the do.  As a matter of fact, I found that Tomb Guardians and other summoning creatures do in fact reward XP, gold, and loot.  The pre-existing summoned creatures protecting them are worth XP, gold, and loot and the creatures that they continue to summon in also award XP, gold, and loot.  Most games don't allow a loot table or experience to be gained from the freshly summoned creatures to prevent people from just farming the summons.  Well, it may just be a bug or something overlooked in Diablo 3, but the summoned creatures are farmable on some creatures, champions, and bosses in Diablo 3 and they each continue to award XP, gold, and drop loot too!

Taking Advantage Of Diablo 3 Summoners

You can gear up with a set of magic find gear, gold find gear, or a combination of both of these great farming item affixes to further increase your rewards from the summoned creatures.  Not all summoning creatures and bosses follow this same pattern though.  All you need to do is watch your XP bar and see if gold and items drop off of the creatures that get summoned in to the fight to see if this hold true for the creatures you are battling.  A single Tomb Guardian can summon in 10 or more Skeletons to join the battle before running out of mana.  Jondar the boss in the Cathedral that is killed by the Templar is easily abused in this same fashion as well.

I like to kill all of the pre-existing creatures first and avoid attacking the summoners, then I just kill the summoned creatures for extra XP, gold, and loot - including magic items.  It's gets real nice when you find a group of 3-4 Summoners that continue to pour summon creatures onto you giving you even more loot, XP, and gold.  When you find a boss or a champion that you can abuse the same way it is even more profitable as they drop better items, more gold, and award more experience.  Do this at the higher difficulty settings and with even more gold find and magic find gear for even more of a Diablo 3 Gold Farming extravaganza.

Happy Diablo 3 Farming!

Zygor Guides - The Only Diablo III Guide You Can Trust - Sales ends in 3 days.  Get your Diablo 3 or strategy guide now.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Auction House Junkies Episode 28: The Diablo 3 Episode

Zygor Guides - The Only Diablo III Guide You Can Trust

Podcast Powered By Podbean

Who needs show notes when it's all about D3?  Sentry the Defiant is the name of the toon. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Diablo 3 Item Affixes For Farming Characters

Diablo III Item Affixes For Farmers

Diablo III has a ton of affixes for all of the items within the game.  The term "affixes" covers both the prefixes and suffixes that may appear on an item when it is created within the Diablo 3 game.  Items are assigned random affixes when they are created in game, either as drops off of monsters, from crafting, or when they are available for purchase from the local merchants.  Knowing what Diablo 3 item affixes to look out for to not only use yourself, but also to snatch up and sell to others, will be a big benefit. 

Let's take a look at some of the top Diablo 3 item affixes that are going to help out farming characters.  Farming characters (or Farmers for short) are characters that focus on acquiring gold or items to sell for a profit, be it on the Gold Auction House (GAH) or the Real Money Auction House (RMAH).  The basic function of a farming character, whether farming solo or as part of a group farming team, is to maximize the ability to quickly collect resources from within the game.
Here are the 4 most beneficial affix sets within the Diablo 3 Item Affixes options.  Not only will items with these affixes be optimal for your own farming characters, but items with these Diablo 3 affixes will also be good items to sell on the in game auction houses of Diablo III. 

Top 4 Diablo 3 Item Affixes For Farming

  1. Magic Find
  2. Gold Find
  3. Gold Pick-Up Radius
  4. Movement Speed Boost
Farming for profit is all about finding items and gold as efficiently as possible.  The top 4 Diablo 3 Item Affixes for farmers all play into that notion of getting items and gold as quickly as you can, but also work on increasing the quality or quantity of the drops in game.  Let's look a little deeper at each of the top 4 item affixes for farming characters.

Magic Find - Magic find bonuses give a % increase to your chances to find magic items.  Increasing your magic find percentage is one of the best things you can do to have a better chance at getting magic items from creature kills.  When you combine gear that gives a bonus to magic find with a multiple player game, you can benefit from both better loot tables and better chances to get those items to drop. 

Examples of some of the Diablo 3 item affixes for magic find are:
  • Karma
  • Luck
  • Worthy
  • Resplendant
  • Glimmer
  • Glittering
  • Dazzle
  • Scouting
  • Seeking
  • Ransacking
  • Pillaging
Gold Find - Gold find is another great item affix to add onto any farming character's gear.  Gold find will add an extra % of gold to the total gold dropped from monsters within Diablo 3.  This can be a major benefit to farming gold because every single monster you kill will drop a flat extra percentage of gold each and every time.  If you are farming kills for gold drops, then this is a must have on your farmer's gear.

Examples of some of the Diablo 3 item affixes for gold find are:
  • Lucky
  • Glittering
  • Prosperous
  • Golden
Gold Pick-Up Radius - The gold pick-up radius bonus item affixes are also nice additions for farming characters.  In Diablo 3 you do not have to manualy loot the gold off of the ground.  You can just run over the pile of gold and it will be looted for you.  The basic radius for picking up gold is rather small and without a gold radius boost, you have to run just right over the piles of gold to loot them.  With an increase to your gold pick-up radius, you only have to get close to the gold pile and you will collect it.  The larger your radius, the farther away you can loot from, which increases your speed and efficiency for farming.

Examples of some of the Diablo 3 item affixes for gold pick-up radius boosts are:
  • Gathering
  • Greedy
  • Miserly
  • Avaricious
Movement Speed Boosts - The final of the Diablo 3 Item Affixes that are ideal for farming characters is the set of affixes that increase your character's movement speed.  Increasing your movement speed is beneficial in more ways than you may initial think.  Not only will you be able to more quickly move throughout the wilderness and dungeon areas in Diablo 3, but having an increased movement speed can be a life saver.  Being able to outrun the monsters chasing you can save your character from death.  Getting killed is one of the major setbacks to any efficient and speedy farming run.  So an increased character movement speed will not onl help you progress through the games levels faster, but could save you from the long run back to where you were should you die.

Examples of some of the Diablo 3 item affixes for movement speed increases are:
  • Rapid
  • Stride
  • Jaunt
  • Leap
  • Flash
  • Quick
  • Nimble
  • Bounding
  • Swift
  • Fleet
A combination of all 4 of these Diablo 3 Item Affixes for farming characters will be ideal for creating a quick and efficient farming character to earn you profits on the Diablo 3 dual auction houses.  Look out for items with these affixes on the auction house, the vendors, and as monster loot so you can use some of the gear yourself or toss it on the auction house to make a quick profit.

Are there any other Diablo 3 Item Affixes that you think are important for a farming character?

Zygor Guides - The Only Diablo III Guide You Can Trust

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Diablo 3 AH & RMAH Fees Are Revealed And They Suck!

The Diablo 3 AH Fees Are Official

The fee schedule for both Diablo 3 auction houses has finally been released to the public.  The Real Money Auction House (RMAH) and the Gold Based Auction House both have seperate fee schedules.  You can read the Official Diablo 3 Blizzard Auction House Guide and The Official Battlenet Diablo 3 Auction House FAQ for all the details.  I've been anxiously awaiting the release of this Diablo 3 auction house fee information, but I am highly discouraged with the outrageous fee schedule they have decided upon at Blizzard Entertainment. 

Blizzard - The Diablo 3 Black Market Thanks You

With AH Fee cuts this high, you can bet your ass that the Black Market for Diablo 3 items and gold will once again be very active.  One of the goals / benefits of creating the in game RMAH in Diablo 3 was to combat the rampant use of Black Market sites and vendors for buying gold, gear, runes, and commodities.  With the crazy high cost of doing RMAH business for a profit, many will turn again to selling on the Black Market to make more money.  Why help Blizzard out, when they are robbing you of your profits?!?  Taking nearly 30% of the cut is highway robbery and if that amount isn't lowered, then the Black Market will be the place to buy and sell Diablo 3 gold and commodities.

Blizzard's Diablo 3 Fee Schedule

RMAH Items are divided into 2 main groups: 
  1. Equipment (Gear and Weapons)
  2. Commodities (Gold, Crafting Materials, Gems, etc)
The good news is that there is no fee to list items on either auction house.  Blizzard will however be taking a cut when your items sell and if you choose to cash out to your Paypal account, Blizzard will take another cut.  The fees on the gold based auction house (GAH) are a flat 15% fee for sold items regardless of what type of items they are.

RMAH Sold Item Fees
  • Equipment - Final Sale Fee $1 per item.
  • Commodities - A Flat 15% of the sale price.
Transfer to Paypal Fee (Cashing Out)
  • A flat 15% cut goes back to Blizzard when you opt to cash out.
  • Another Paypal fee to receive the payment may apply as well.
So if you choose to sell a $10 sword on the RMAH, then the fees would look like this.
  • $10 Sold Item Price
  • Blizzard takes $1 since it is equipment.
  • $9 goes to your Blizzard Bucks account or your Cash Out account.
  • When you do cash out, that $9 would cash out for $7.65 since Blizzard takes 15% as a Cash Out Fee.
  • So $10 earned you $7.65 in US Dollars.
Let's same you sold $10 in gold pieces, then the fees would look like:
  • $10 Sold Item Price
  • Blizzard takes 15%, leaving you $8.50.
  • $8.50 goes to your Blizzard Battle Bucks account or your Cash Out Account.
  • When you cash out, Blizzard taxes you another 15% of the value, so you cash out for $7.22.
  • So you earned $7.22 in US Dollars.
The higher the sale price of the items, the more of a discrepancy will exist between selling equipment and selling commodities.  A $50 equipment sale would net you $41.65, while a $50 commodity sale would earn you only $36.12. 

I bet the black market service providers won't be charging anywhere near that high for their sales fees.  We shall wait and see if Blizzard really did win the war against the black market sellers.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast - Episode #2 | Diablo 3 RMAH Fees

Diablo 3 Discussion in Episode 2
The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast

The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast - Episode #2

The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast is back with another fresh episode of gaming discussion.  We are putting out weekly podcasts to help keep the information flowing about our favorite games both online and off.  This week's primary discussion centers around the Diablo 3 RMAH and the Fee Structure released by Blizzard for those of us interested in selling equipment and commodities in the real money auction house and the gold based auction house.

You can access The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast  Episode #2 on the website, or through iTunes and Stitcher Radio.  Just search for The Eviscerated Gaming Podcast.

Episode #2 Show Topics:

  1. The Atomic PC Interview with Diablo 3 Game Director Jay Wilson.
  2. Some Mobile Gaming Suggestions.
  3. The Diablo 3 RMAH Fees and Launch Changes (Primary Discussion).
  4. The Brady Games Diablo 3 Strategy Guides Updated and Releasing For iPad.
  5. WoW News and Activities.
Additional Segments:
  1. Nonmail Nutz (Nonmail)
  2. Electronic Education (Cold)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Diablo 3 Secrets & Other D3 Guides Are Scams


Are Diablo 3 Guides Scams?
Diablo 3 Gold Guide Salesmen

Be Warned: Diablo 3 Guides Are Scams

Diablo 3 Guides are all over the internet these days.  Anyone selling you a Diablo 3 guide right now is a SCAMMER.  Whether it is for the Diablo 3 RMAH, Diablo 3 Secrets, Diablo 3 PvP Tactics, or a Diablo 3 Leveling Guide, every single one of these guide creators is a Liar and a Scammer.  So don't waste your money on a Diablo 3 Guide.  Let's go over why the Diablo 3 guide sellers are all liars and scammers.

The Diablo 3 Sales Pitch

 It is a common tactic to talk up your product's value in order to get more sales, but many of these guide sellers for Diablo 3 strategy, RMAH, and leveling guides are outright LIARS.  Anyone who has a slight understanding of Diablo 3 and how the Diablo 3 Beta and Diablo 3 Beta Weekend worked, should be able to see through the lies of these charlatans and internet snake oil salesmen. 

Some of the common themes that you will see across multiple Diablo 3 Guide sales pages are:

  • Top Strategies For Max Levels
  • Own The Diablo 3 PvP Arena
  • The Best Diablo 3 PvP Strategy Guides
  • Total Class Mastery
  • Max Out Your Levels In Record Time
  • Testimonials Of Previous Guide Users
  • Dominating The Diablo 3 RMAH Auction House
  • Diablo 3 Secrets For Leveling
  • Diablo 3 Gold & Auction House Tactics To Make Real Money

How Do You Know These Diablo 3 Guides Are Scams?

The Diablo 3 Beta just ended today 05-01-2012 and there are a ton of Diablo 3 guides already online that claim to have all of the secrets to the game.  How is that even possible?

  • The Diablo Game has multiple levels and 4 difficulty settings all the way up to Inferno Mode.
  • The Diablo Beta only allowed you to play to the VERY FIRST BOSS on the 1st Act of the 1st Difficulty Setting.
  • The Diablo Beta restricted all characters to a maximum of level 13!
  • The Diablo Beta had NO PVP at all - NONE!
  • The Diablo 3 Game launches on May 15th and WILL NOT INCLUDE PVP.
  • PvP Is going to be added at a later patch to Diablo 3.
  • The Diablo 3 RMAH (Real Money Auction House) saw very limited testing in the D3 Beta.

  • No One has got past level 13.
  • No One has seen past the first boss.
  • No One has seen any quests, items, or monsters past level 13.
  • No One has any experience with Diablo 3 PvP.
  • No One has experienced any professions other than the Blacksmith.
  • No One has live experience of the Real Money AH.


Anyone claiming otherwise is an outright Liar who is just after your hard earned cash.

Here's a PRIME EXAMPLE of the kind of Lying Scumbag Scammers that are after your money.
Diablo 3 Secrets at (No - this is NOT an affiliate link)

Take a look through his sales page of LIES.

"I leveled up in record time, Got tons of game cash, and Mastered Diablo 3!"
Really?  How did you get past level 13?  There was no in game cash payout in Beta, and you didn't master anything but the art of selling lies!"

"Own the PvP Arenas!"
There is no PvP yet and won't be at launch.  Stop Lying To Us.

He shows an picture that says it is an image of him "Killing Bosses with my Barbarian Effortlessly!"
WRONG Thats an image from the Free Diablo Fan Site Building Kit from Blizzard.  He flipped the image to a mirrored picture to make it less obvious that it's a generic screenshot we all have access to in the free fan kit.  No one saw any bosses past the very first boss.

He claims he learned from "Observing Top PvP Players and Players with the Top Gear" to create his guide.
Again, no one got past Level 13, so what Top Gear could you have seen.  And there is no damn PvP fool.

The seller also claims that his previous buyers have:
"Maxed out their levels in Record Times!"
"Have become PvP Gods!"
"Achieved Total Class Mastery!"
Lies, Lies, & More Lies!  The game isn't even out yet and you have buyers who are PvP Gods and Max Level?  Nice Try Scumbag.

BE WARNED - Anyone selling you a Diablo 3 guide prior to the Launch of the game is nothing more than a Liar and a Scammer.  Don't fall for these tricks and traps to steal your money. 

And anyone with a testimonial on their site is full of shit too.  No one can give you a testimonial of how well your guide works, 2 weeks prior to the damn launch of the game.  They are all FAKE Testimonials!

It's not just this Scumbag Peng Joon using these same tactics of Lies and Deceipt.  It's damn near every single Diablo 3 guide on the market prior to the launch of the game. 

Find Anymore Diablo3 Guides Sales Page Quotes That Are Outright Lies?
Let's hear em in the comments! breaks down the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets Scam as well.  Be sure to read another example of these self proclaimed experts that really don't have anything magic to sell you.
Diablo Statue - Diablo III